Health and Physical Education is concerned with holistic human development. We strive to establish positive self-concepts and relationships for the children, and to achieve optimum health for the individual and their families. We also hope to emphasise the importance of physical activity for growth and functioning.
Health and Physical Education is structured around the two strands of: Personal, Social and Community Health; Movement and Physical Activity.
Students participate in weekly lessons, plus team sport practices for students competing in organised competitions. We have the benefit of many fantastic parent volunteers and staff who help with the training and weekend competitions. Daily Fitness is an important component of the program and is highlighted by the school Sports Day and Preschool Sports Day where the focus is on participation and having fun. In addition, students have the choice of participating in the Sporting Schools Program and other community events.
From Reception upwards, students at Southern Montessori have the opportunity to participate in a range of sports. Teams are entered into competitions based on the level of student interest. Team viability is often subject to the availability of parents to coach, manage and score. All adults who have contact with our students must have a current police check and undertake a short induction session offered by a member of the Leadership Team. A sample of sports offered in recent years includes:
-SAPSASA Swimming
-Cross Country and Athletics
In addition to this, our Sporting Schools Program has offered the following sports in recent years:
Game Skills, Cricket, Karate, Basketball, Softball, Netball, Soccer, Hockey.
We are always exploring new opportunities for our students.
We are proud of the level of effort and sportsmanship displayed by our Southern Montessori students whenever they represent the school.
Southern Montessori Soccer
We have teams across many age divisions.
Please use the following link to keep up to date with the games each week. All the under-age teams can be found from their fixtures drop down menu.
Once a year our student participate in a week of swimming lessons as part of our Health and PE Curriculum.
The aim of such program is to:
- develop students’ confidence in and around aquatic environments
- develop students’ skills, knowledge and understandings related to water safety
- teach students how to evaluate and make sound decisions about their safety, and the safety of others, in and around aquatic environments
- encourage students to work cooperatively and effectively with others
Students participate in a range of water activities focused around safe entry and exits to aquatic environments, underwater skills, floating and treading water, movement skills through water and rescue and survival skills.