Our Co-Curricular activities enhance learning and enrich our students’ experiences at school. They allow our students to experience new activities, learn new skills and follow their passions.
We offer a range of musical options for students to pursue. Students are encouraged to perform and share their talents. These include:
- Junior and Senior Choirs
- Primary and Middle School Bands
- Private Instrumental Music Tuition on:
- Piano keyboard
- Guitar
- Ukulele
- Private Singing Tuition.
Lunch Clubs
Lunch time clubs cater to student interest. Currently, the clubs on offer include:
- Kitchen Science
- Lego
- Fun and Fitness
- Yoga
- Craft
We encourage students to participate in a wide range of sports and are keen to establish school sports teams if there is student interest. We currently offer:
- School Soccer
- Sporting Schools After School Program
Tournament of Minds
Tournament of Minds is an international educational program providing the opportunity to solve open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking and collaborative teamwork. Cycle 3 and 4 students have the opportunity to participate in Tournament of Minds in alternate years.
Wakakirri is a national story sharing arts festival. Students have the opportunity to participate in Wakakirri in alternate years.
Enrichment Opportunities
A range of additional activities may be offered to students depending on interest. In the Middle School, the growth of self-expression is encouraged through engagement in electives.